SELLER WILL CARRY!! 2.3 acres of flat no longer used farm land. Beyond the property going south is pretty much nothing but state owned land as far as the eye can see and well beyond! One small piece of the land ends at the Green Reservoir wash which means you will own water front property in Arizona when it's flowing! ( Usually the cooler months ) Electric is about 350' away so not too bad. No water but you can drill a well and once a few more people move in around the area, go in partners and make it a shared well. Or you can harvest rain water or have it trucked in. If you want to plant a whole mess of trees and or a huge garden, etc, then you really need a well.The land is located on a paved road about 20 minutes south of Toltec Road off the I-10. The last couple of miles is a good well maintained gravel. There are working farms all around with canals with fish and other aquatic wildlife. Birds of all kinds all over. If you're searching for a piece of land that's not in the middle of nowhere but feels like it is, look no further. Tons of privacy here. If you're searching for a piece of land that's not in the middle of nowhere but feels like it is, look no further. Tons of privacy here. That area is basically a giant playground in every direction as far as the eye can see.
School Ratings & Info
SELLER WILL CARRY!! 2.3 acres of flat no longer used farm land. Beyond the property going south is pretty much nothing but state owned land as far as the eye can see and well beyond! One small piece of the land ends at the Green Reservoir wash which means you will own water front property in Arizona when it's flowing! ( Usually the cooler months ) Electric is about 350' away so not too bad. No water but you can drill a well and once a few more people move in around the area, go in partners and make it a shared well. Or you can harvest rain water or have it trucked in. If you want to plant a whole mess of trees and or a huge garden, etc, then you really need a well.The land is located on a paved road about 20 minutes south of Toltec Road off the I-10. The last couple of miles is a good well maintained gravel. There are working farms all around with canals with fish and other aquatic wildlife. Birds of all kinds all over. If you're searching for a piece of land that's not in the middle of nowhere but feels like it is, look no further. Tons of privacy here. If you're searching for a piece of land that's not in the middle of nowhere but feels like it is, look no further. Tons of privacy here. That area is basically a giant playground in every direction as far as the eye can see.
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